Starting important conversations about how we live, from now until the very end of our lives
Asking ourselves 'What matters to me?' helps us plan for the future. Our answers could be about family, jobs, holidays, education, where we live, what we eat, what we love to do... the list is long.
Knowing what matters can play a huge part in helping to make our lives enjoyable and worthwhile. 'What matters to me?' is still important at the very end of our lives, too. For most of us that's a long time away. But it's never too early to talk to our family and friends about 'What matters.'
Sharing with others helps to make sure that any help or care we might need in the future, when we’re ill or facing difficulties, matches up with our preferences. It can help our family and friends to support us in our choices.
What matters conversations in clinical practice
This short film is based on 50 interviews conducted during the COVID pandemic across the UK in 2020. It highlights the importance of what matters conversations in the delivery of effective patient care from the perspective of professionals, and gives examples from clinical practice of how this approach can be incorporated into busy daily practice.
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